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Tuesday 12 April 2011

"MORE ABOUT EXAM FEVER.................." checkout......

People say, “They are essential evils”. They are necessary since till now no other alternative method has been adopted universally and Evils because most people shiver by it’s name. Come EXAMS and many hearts skip a beat, students get anxious and spend sleepless nights. Not only students many adults suffer from exam phobia. They may be excellent at their work but when asked to prove their prowess through an examination, often they falter showing their vulnerability towards exams and exam related stress.

Competition has become an inseparable part of our lives and it is the fear of this competition that leaves us feeling unhappy, paranoid and worried. The fear of being put to test can be quite stressful for many people. This affects them adversely and they fail to perform to the best of their ability.

Students who do not regularly indulge in physical exercises or meditation are advised to bring about a slight change in their daily routine at least 1 month prior to their exams. Try to wake up as early as possible based on your sleeping habits. Then for half an hour sit quietly with your legs folded and close your eyes. Forget everything and concentrate on your papers/subjects you’ll be appearing for in the forthcoming exams. Try to evaluate your position, how much portion of your studies you have completed and how much is yet to be finished. Then decide which topics you want to complete on that day. For half an hour, you should not think of anything but studies. This will serve a dual purpose. First of all, for half an hour you focus remains on your exams only, serving the purpose of meditation. Since meditation is nothing but keeping your focus on one particular thing and forgetting the rest. Many people find it hard to meditate since their mind is always thinking about multiple things at a time. They find it hard to concentrate on any one thing even for half an hour. Secondly, since you are thinking of your studies only, mentally you are devising a target which you intend to achieve on that day. This helps to plan your studies daily.

  • Mock Tests are indeed helpful, since Practice makes man Perfect. Even if you are not taking any mock tests, you should try to simulate one. Spare some time in-between your studies and try to imagine the day of your exam. Think of all the necessary things you need to carry with yourself to the examination centre say for example, admit card, pen, pencils, erasers, geometrical instruments (if any) etc. Then imagine yourself to be at the examination hall. You should be very careful while writing your Roll No./Registration No. on you answer sheets. Try to imagine all these things, and also the question paper pattern. If you are aware of the pattern, then try to imagine how you would be attempting the questions, which section would you start off with etc. Apart from these, also think of the situation where you find a drastic change in the question pattern, or a sharp increase in the difficulty level of the paper. You must also imagine these types of adverse situations and what you should do if such a situation occurs. Simulating these virtual situations in your mind makes you more tenacious and less vulnerable to harsh situations. Also you know how to act if such a situation befalls
  • Remember, there is no short cut to success. However, for those late birds, the above practices would surely help them a lot, if followed truly for at least a month prior to the exams. If followed regularly, there is no doubt that you’ll reap richer benefits. Self Improvement:

Improving your Concentration
Here are a few tips to help you Improve your concentration
1. To enhance your concentration and powers of focus, count your steps when you walk. This is a particularly strong technique. Take six steps while taking a long inhale, hold your breath for another six steps, and then exhale for six steps. If six steps is too long for the breaths, do whatever you feel comfortable with.

Exam Guides One - 5 Great Tips To Improve Your Strategy:
In order to do well on a exam, you must first have a good knowledge of the information that is being examined. But, aside that, you must have a good strategy for taking the exam. This allows you to show what you know. This exam guide gives you some tips that will help you make a good strategy.

How to Be a Better Student and Improve Your Learning:

If you’re a student attending classes, you have probably experienced many moments when it was hard to make yourself settle down and study, even when an important exam was coming up.

Reaching Your Potential:
n today’s pressured world, many teens are afraid to fail—and even—afraid to succeed. They don’t want to stick out, whether for good or bad. They want to be accepted, and just ‘fit in.’ This type of mentality will lead you nowhere but the path to mediocrity—and that is nothing to be proud of. 

10 Tips for Better Grades in Math:
Pass these on to your high school math student:
1. Don't just aim for 70%. Aim high and shoot for 100%.
2. When doing your math homework, be neat. It does make a difference.

"M.U.R.D.E.R." A Study System 
* Mood:
Set a positive mood for yourself to study in.
Select the appropriate time, environment, and attitude.